Location: Chile |
Languages: Spanish, English |
Education: Lawyer and Diploma in Tax Analysis & Planning (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile). |
Experience: Former Senior Attorney of the Tax Litigation and Controversy Department, Deloitte & Touche. |
Academic Activities: Teaching Assistant of Civil Law I, II, and III. |
Practice Areas: Tax litigation, criminal tax litigation, tax planning, permanent tax advice, international taxation, tax diagnosis, tax training. |
Memberships: Member of the Board of the Maria Jesus Vergara Foundation. |
Alliende, Villarroel, Contreras y Eguiguren & Lecaros y Aste
Miraflores 178, 23rd floor, Santiago, Chile |
Phone +56 2 361 04 84, Fax +56 2 361 04 87 |
jcjaramillo@avlabogados.cl |