Location: Arabian Gulf Countries |
Languages: English |
Education: Degree, University of Stirling. |
Experience: Worked specifically in the international tax industry since 2000. Formed Cragus Group Limited, along with several other shareholders, in 2006. Currently co-ordinates the Cragus regional practice across the Arabian Gulf and Africa, including matters pertaining to Cragus Member offices in Abu Dhabi, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Dubai. Previously held position as associate publisher for International Tax Review magazine. Founded and chairs the Legal focus group of the BBG. Currently assisting in formation of first Gulf chapter of IFA. Occassionally attends annual IBA, IFA, ACCA conferences. |
Practice Areas: International corporate tax planning / transactional, tax controversy, transfer pricing, legal structuring, company set-up and related legal issues, corporate advisory, Middle East & Africa. |
Memberships: International Fiscal Association (IFA); British Business Group (BBG) for Dubai & the Northern Emirates. |
The Cragus Group
Level 19, H Dubai Office Tower, No.1 Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai 71985, United Arab Emirates |
Phone +971 4 705 0310, Mobile +971 50 455 1906 |
dtreays@cragus.com |