Location: Int. Yachting & Tax |
Languages: English, French, Spanish |
Education: Pantheon-Assas Paris II University and CNAM, Master of Business Law, Diploma in International Tax Law and Chartered Accountant (1978-1986), attended various conferences and workshops on the English maritime law and other yachting matters. |
Experience: 1984-1989 International Tax and Legal Advisor within Arthur Andersen International and KPMG FIDAL Paris, 1990-1991 International Tax and Leal Advisor in Paris (business owner), since 1992 Lawyer at the Bar in Paris, owner of Law Offices of AC Verges, and since 2003 also Lawyer at the Bar in Malaga, owner of Verges & Co International Law Office, Malaga and Marbella. |
Seminars & Publications: On yachting, international tax planning and electronic commerce taxation (venues in Europe, articles published in French and international journals: Les Echos, BNA International Inc, Tax Planning e-commerce, Vol. 1, Nr. 1, Les Cahiers du CFCE, etc.). |
Practice Areas: International maritime consulting (assisting owners in the building, buying, chartering or selling of their commercial or pleasure Mega Yacht | Yacht), international tax and legal planning for companies and private clients, e-commerce taxation (first worldwide professional to speak and publish on this matter). |
Memberships: Chamber of Shipping London; International Fiscal Association (IFA); American Bar Association (ABA) - taxation, international law & practice, Anti-Money Laundering Steering Group, Law of the Sea Committee; International Bar Association (IBA) - maritime, taxation & regional fora: Europe/Latin America; GEPY (Yachting Professionals & Crews); Malaga Bar (SPBC); Yacht Club of Monaco. |
Verges & Co International Law Office, Malaga, Paris, Marbella & London
Central Mailing Address: Calle Canon, 13-4, E-29015 Malaga, Spain |
Central Phone +33 (0) 1 45 25 37 23, Central Fax +44 (0) 20 7900 1992
Mobile +34 699 414 529 | +33 (0) 620 679 161 |
averges@yachtingconsulting.com |